Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Reflect; Remember

As of Monday, I have one full week left until I head back home. I will not reflect on what I will be losing by leaving, but rather what I have gained while here.

Friends; From near places and far. The first few weeks contained difficulty, like throwing all the ingredients into a pan and trying to bake it without measuring or mixing in the right order. After the chaos I was able to draw close to incredible people and gain friends who I will continue to pray for. My physical departure takes nothing away from the bond our souls have created. You beautiful people will continue to be in my heart and on my mind.

Boldness; God has been teaching me what it means to confront. Whether I be confronting my problems, other people, situations I deem uncomfortable - the confrontation is necessary. He has taught me confidence in my speaking ability and I know that by relying on him, issues diminish at the very sight of his splendor. I pray going in to this next year I will be bold in Christ.

Prayer; Our intimate communication with the almighty creator of the universe. To experience a soft romantic whisper from the lips that breathed life in to man; a truth that brings me to my knees. I learned a posture of prayer; whether bowing face down in the dark light of the morning, standing face upturned towards the foggy mountains before breakfast, holding the kindred hands of my roommates with tear filled eyes as we cast our struggles on to Him, sitting together with staff members I just met being united in the one we serve, or thanking Him silently before bed for the blessings abundant he has shed on this place. Praying fervently, enthusiastically, faithfully is something He continues to teach me.

Worship; Glorifying God. To worship through song with all 250 staff members takes my breath away each Sunday night. It is the sound of unreserved singing, the sound of trust in his goodness at the end of a week of labor. Worship is not left in the church service. Praising Him through the up's and down's becomes a daily routine, chatted about over dinner, reflected upon at dusk while sitting on the lake, or chimed together while watching the sunset singing acoustically. God is visible and will continue to be, whether I am surrounded by these magnificent mountains or sitting in the library at William Paterson University. I will continue to worship Him.

Breathe; Rest has taken on new meaning, been given new value. Having never worked full time I had always taken my free moments for granted. No longer will I neglect to cherish the time available to me, it is a gift. My understanding of Sabbath continues to mold, becoming the dedicated time spent trusting God, breathing in his goodness, resting in his grace.

This season has been one of labor, trust, provision, protection, devotion and illustration of my Father's steady hand over my heart. Daily he provides. I ask myself, how could I fail to trust Him?
Praise be to God for what he has done.

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