Saturday, June 23, 2012


Psalm 16:2 "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

I want to be genuine. I want to portray the truth.
I want to eliminate the disconnect of what people see and my hidden thoughts and beliefs.
I want to be me, fully me, all the time, in every way.
But if it is the truth I desire to emit, and my beliefs are grounded in the saving grace of the one true God, what people see when they see me should not look like me at all.
I should look like the love, mercy, grace, honesty, obedience and loyalty that is the God I serve.
These things are not found in me, so my false human complexion melts away and is replaced with the truth.
Is it that I should become something new altogether?
Can I become the love I desire to show others, rather than just show it? If so, then the gap would be closed and I would be whole.
The gap, the disconnect which I crave so strongly to be completed, is a puzzle piece specifically designed for One.

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