“The beginning of a new year”; usually this saying is followed by a list of high reaching, far fetched goals we expect to accomplish. What with a New Year makes us suddenly feel our characterizing procrastination will end? What with fresh digits tagged on the back of a measly 20 creates a sense of heightened motivation in one habitually motiveless? Why do we continue to shove self improvement in the garage corner next to dusty boxes and the x-refrigerator we have been meaning to sell?
Surely, our desire of bettering ourselves we purposefully keep locked away. It seemingly emerges at convenient times, like the start of a new year, when the confidence of the general population of America backs our high reaching goals. We brainstorm and list, dig up old dreams and dust off neglected boxes that contain forgotten memoirs. We remember. We willfully forget. We choose. With a rejuvenated glance we observe our reflection in the mirror that we continually avoid in our habit of procrastination.
The New Year brings out the confidence once shoved in the drawer after picking through the towering pile of bills, drowning in unremitting requirements of responsibility. We choose with the New Year to swim to the top and inhale the fresh scent of novelty, allowing midyear conflicts to disappear in the water below. We are able to observe ourselves in the cool clear January light that proves excessively revealing. We scrutinize the habits that we have become since last New Year’s revelation, and choose to change. With our choice comes our list of New Year’s resolution.
Although many a year has come and gone in this respect, and become a habit in itself, we continue to believe with fresh vigor each time that we will pursue and fulfill our choices. Our only excuse is whether or not we try.
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