Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Walking to Meet You

While crossing the bridge
Two swans sleep
S-curled necks
One touches the bank
The other floats behind
Teasing 6:30 sun
Cradled in rivers palm
They disappear upon our return
Perhaps they moved to willow shade

Sunday, July 28, 2013

She the Sun

Sun, modest as she tends to be
Robes her form
With velvet dawn

Just before her pale tresses
Fall over the earth
Rabbits linger
On the edge of scattered lawns

The bleak night bleeds
Through Seneca Lake
At dawn he gorges himself
On her damp flesh

He slurps – sallow flesh
Hangs at the corners of his mouth
Lake water drips down his chin

The yellow mistress
Disrobes politely, steps forward slowly
A silent carousal of light  
Claims day begin
Her unveiled form shames him

Monday, July 22, 2013

I Can't Wait To Sit In Traffic With You

I on land
And you in the sea
Folding in the waves
Like shadow leaves at dusk
I in open air
You sheathed
With ocean mist
A broken clam shell
Next to dry weeds of the sea
On charred sand

Dull vertigo
Rides you in

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Lord today you led me to Psalm 111 where I was able to delight in you and your promises.
“Great are your works Oh Lord they are pondered by all who delight in them.”
How true it is that many times I ignore what you do or overlook your mighty hand in my life. How many times have you provided for me and I have just gone on with the next thing, submitted my next request, become consumed in the next worry that I am blinded to your hand? We move on after struggle and pain without acknowledging who it was that got us through. Lord shame on me for neglecting to acknowledge you and what you’ve done. It is like walking through an art museum with blinders and an unappreciative spirit. That canvas was once blank! Bring to light the magnificent things I have ignored that I may ponder your beauty.
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate.”
Now this one you have revealed to me lately. You are exactly what David describes you to be. I don’t understand how you can be so loving and comforting. You extend your kindess despite my turned face. Lord you ARE compassion. You ARE grace. You cant act any other way towards me. I cant believe I am allowed to be in such intimate contact with the source of these powerful and life changing traits. Lord soften my heart that your kindness might transform me.
“He provides food for those who fear him”
David’s practical addition seems a bit out of place in the context of this passage. However, I think it matches our nature as humans. Even when we are acknowledging the goodness of you and your loving character traits, we so easily turn to worries and concerns that have turned to habit. What will we wear tomorrow? How will we pay for our next semester? Where will we live when we get married? What if I don’t pass that test? What if I can’t find a job? How will I find time to do all the things I need to do?
David’s assurance that we will be fed extends from the provisional master that God IS. 1 Timothy 6:17 claims God richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
David goes to great length in other Psalms to glory in the provision experienced in God:
O God, you provided for the needy”
“He also gives bread and provides meat for his people”
God IS provision. He is gracious, he is compassionate. He will therefore not allow his child to go wanting. He will fill your stomach, but he YEARNS to fill you mind, soul and spirit with the water that forever prevents thirst from entering again.
In view of the loving daddy that God delights to be to us, how silly we are to let our mundane concerns affect our attitude, behavior and effectiveness in loving others. When filled with anxiety over something God tells us he will take care of, we waste energy worrying over something that logically doesn’t make sense to worry about.
In the case of something we DESIRE God to provide for us, we can trust he will give us what is best – exactly what we need beyond what we can imagine. His prescription takes the entire chart and family history in to account. He has the highest degree in medicine. We only see the immediate headache. Wouldn’t you rather be treated for the source of the disease rather than just disguise a small symptom?
We can trust him and delight in what he provides for us, KNOWING that He knows better and wants the best for us.
Psalm 65:8-10 “You visit the earth and water it; you greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; you provide their grain, for so you have prepared it. You water its furrows abundantly, settling its ridges, softening it with showers, and blessing its growth.”

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The field has always been here
She's the patient page
That felt first the soles
Of Amish folk
Bare feet, protecting her whiteness

The field has always been here
She wasn’t always a farm
But a skirt to the mountains bosom
Wheat grass doilies line her hem

The field has always been here
In her youth she blossomed
The willow
Lips through which the wind sings slow
Whose mystery increased
Under every sad branch
Whose shade made you cry

The field has always been here
She pollen bled the day they shaved her golden hair
The day they plastered her stomach
A scarring bath of tar down her middle
Pried open her elegant gate
And let you undress her with your eyes

Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July Parade

The drum line red sweats
Under their helmets
The metallic stampede behind
Sends a smoky message
For the plants that listen on the curb
Warm stalks
Rooted with permission by the town
The peoples eyes pick out
The oversized vendor
The unbehaved child
Carve the batonist out of step
In their visions mural
And title it 'People Watching'